Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Public finance

Here is syllabus and handouts of public finance course designed by Bryan Caplan

Monday, May 14, 2007

Constitutional Economics:

  1. Dennis C. Mueller (2000) Constitutional Democracy. Oxford: Oxfored University Press
  2. Roger Congleton (2003) Improving Democracy Through Constitutional Reform, Some Swedish Lessons. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press
  3. Torsten Persson and Guido Tabellini (2003) The Economic Effects of Constitutions. Cambridge Mass: MIT Press
  4. Robert Cooter, The Strategic Constitution (Downloadable!)
Here is a reading list in Constitutional Economics

Here is a syllabus of Constitutional Economic taught by Prof. Congleton
Topics in P. C.: Role of Government and Collective Choice
Topics in P. E & P. C.: Economics of Conflicts
Garfinkel, M. R. and S. Skaperdas, 2006, Economics of Conflict: An Overview, Handbook of Defence Economics,
Blattman, C. and E. Miguel, Civil War,
Collire, P. and A. Heofler, Civil War, Handbook of Defence Economics,
Topics in P. C.: Politics and Macroeconomic Performance
Topics in P. C.:
Topics in P. C.: Election and Party System
Topics in P. C.: Dictatorship

Tullock, Gordon, 1987, Autocarcy, Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publisher
Olson, Mankur and Martin C. Mcguire, 1996, "The Economics of Autocracy and Majority Rule: The Invisible Hand and the Use of Force,The Journal of Economic Literature, 34(1), pp. 72-96.
Wintrobe, Roland, 2000, Political Economy of Dictatorship, Cambridge University Press.
Topics in P. C.: Voting
Median Voter:
Here is an article written by Prof. Congleton which explan Median voter Model. This is part of encyclopedia of Pulic Choice.

Paradox of Voting:
Here is the first chapter of Bryan Caplan Book entitled " The Myth of the Rational Voter" which explane it.
Here is an article written by alexander Tabarrok which explan the paradox.

Arrow's Impossibility theorem:
Here is an article written by alexander Tabarrok which explan the theorem.
Topics in P.C.: Government Size
Topics in P. C.: Rent Seeking
here is a nice and simple introductory text writen by professor Tullock who has the most contribution to this field of research.

Classical Articles:
Tullock, G., Welfare costs of tariffs, monopolies and theft. Western Economic Journal. 5: pp. 224-232., 1967

Posner, Richard, The Social Costs of Monopoly and Regulation. The Journal
of Political Economy, Vol. 83, No. 4, 807-828. Aug., 1975

Krueger, Ann O.,The Political Economy of the Rent-Seeking Society. The American
Economic Review, Vol. 64, No. 3, 291-303. Jun., 1974
Topics in P.C.: Bureaucracy
Classical Books and Article:

  1. Downs, Antony, 1967, Inside the Bureaucracy
  2. Tullock, Gordon and Buchanan, James M., The Politics of Burueacracy
  3. Niskanen, William A. 1971/1994. Bureaucracy and Public Economics. Aldershot & Brookfield: Edward Elgar. (Original title: Bureaucracy and Representative Government. Chicago: Aldine-Atherton. 1971)

Usefull Articles:

  1. An Economic Theory of Bureaucracy writen: Mainstream Approach versus Austrian Developments by Laurent Carnis

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Topics in P.C.: Interest Groups

Classical Books and Articles:
1. The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups by Mancur, Jr. Olson

Litrature Review of the Topics:
1. Winden, Frans van (2003) Interest group behavior and influence C. K. Rowley and F. Schneider (eds) Encyclopedia of Public Choice Vol. I Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers

Different Research Articles:
1. Factors Affecting the Formation of Interest Groups by Aileen Sampson (downloadable)
2. On the size of the winning set in the presence of interest groups by Sadiraj, Vjollca, Jan Tuinstra and Frans van Winden (2005), (downloadable)
Introductory Articles about P.C. & P.E.:

  1. Public Choice:The Origins andDevelopment of aResearch Program written by James Buchanan
  2. Introduction to Public Choice Theory By Leon Felkins

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Syllabus in P.C. & P.E. :
  • Prof. Roger Congleton has a personal website that include comprehensive syllabus of Public Choice courses(I,II)
  • Here is Dennis Mueller's syllabus of Public Choice
  • Here is the syllabus thaugh by Tabarrok in George Mason University. You can find more additional powerpoints in P.C.&P.E. here
  • Here is Bryan Caplan Syllabus and lecturenotes of Public Choice.
  • Here is Prof. Winer Syllabus of Public Choice
  • Here is Prof. Li Pang-kwong syllabus of Public Choice
  • Reading lists in Public Choice could be found here and here
Basic Books in P.C.&P.E. :
  • Tullock, G., Seldon, A. and Brady G. L., Government Failure, Washington: Cato Institute, 2002
  • Understanding Democracy: An Introduction to Public Choice
  • Mueller, Dennis C., Public Choice III, Cambridge University Press, 2003
  • McNutt Patrick A., The Economics of Public Choice, Edward Elgar Publishing. Inc., 2002
  • Mueller, Dennis C., Perspectives on Public Choice (editor and contributor), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
  • Heckelman, Jac, Readings in Public Choice Economics,
  • Mueller, Dennis C., Constitutional Democracy, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.
  • Joe Stevens, The economics of collective choice Boulder, Colo., Westview
    Press, 1993.
  • The Public Choice Approach to Politics (collection of previously published articles), London: Edward Elgar, 1993.
  • The Economics of Politics (editor), 2 volumes, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics 131,
    Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001.
Research Centers in P.C.&P.E.:
Journals in P.C.&P.E. :